Java Course Overview

Core Java Programming Course List

Introduction to Java
  1. Introduction to Java

    • History and Features of Java
    • Setting up the Java Development Environment
    • Writing and Running Your First Java Program
    • Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  2. Java Basics

    • Basic Syntax and Structure
    • Variables and Data Types
    • Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical)
    • Control Flow Statements (if, if-else, switch, loops)

Fundamental Java Concepts

  1. Arrays and Strings

    • Introduction to Arrays
    • Multi-dimensional Arrays
    • String Class and String Manipulation
    • StringBuilder and StringBuffer
  2. Methods and Constructors

    • Defining and Calling Methods
    • Method Overloading
    • Constructors and Constructor Overloading
    • The 'this' Keyword

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java

  1. Classes and Objects

    • Defining Classes and Creating Objects
    • Fields and Methods
    • Access Modifiers
    • Static Members
  2. Inheritance in Java

    • Understanding Inheritance
    • The 'super' Keyword
    • Method Overriding
    • The Object Class
  3. Polymorphism and Abstraction

    • Polymorphism in Java
    • Abstract Classes and Methods
    • Interfaces in Java
  4. Encapsulation and Packages

    • Encapsulation and Data Hiding
    • Creating and Using Packages
    • The 'import' Statement
    • Access Levels and Modifiers

Advanced Core Java Concepts

  1. Exception Handling

    • Introduction to Exceptions
    • Try-Catch Blocks
    • Finally Block
    • Throwing and Handling Exceptions
    • Custom Exceptions
  2. Java Collections Framework

    • Introduction to Collections
    • List Interface (ArrayList, LinkedList)
    • Set Interface (HashSet, TreeSet)
    • Map Interface (HashMap, TreeMap)
    • Iterating Over Collections
    • Generics in Java
  3. File I/O in Java

    • Reading and Writing Files
    • Byte Streams and Character Streams
    • Buffered I/O Streams
    • File Class and File Operations

Multithreading and Concurrency

  1. Multithreading Basics

    • Introduction to Threads
    • Creating and Running Threads
    • Thread Life Cycle
    • Thread Synchronization
    • Inter-thread Communication
  2. Advanced Multithreading

    • Concurrent Collections
    • Executors Framework
    • Callable and Future
    • Locks and Conditions

Additional Core Topics

  1. Java 8 Features

    • Lambda Expressions
    • Functional Interfaces
    • Stream API
    • Default and Static Methods in Interfaces
  2. Java 9+ Features

    • Modules and the Module System
    • JShell (Java Shell)

Practical Application

  1. Developing Java Applications
    • Best Practices in Java Programming
    • Debugging and Testing Java Applications
    • Building and Packaging Java Projects
    • Documentation and Code Maintenance

Resources and Practice

  • Coding Exercises and Challenges
  • Recommended Textbooks and Online Resources
  • Community Forums and Study Groups
  • Regular Assessments and Feedback


  • Total Duration: 10-12 weeks (Flexible schedule)

This course list covers all essential aspects of core Java programming, providing a strong foundation and enabling you to build robust Java applications.

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