Competitive Programming: Your Ultimate Resource Guide
General Practice & Interview Prep
- HackerRank: https://www.hackerrank.com/ Solve diverse challenges and nail those technical interviews.
- HackerEarth: https://www.hackerearth.com/ Help businesses innovate with your coding prowess.
- CodeChef: https://www.codechef.com/ A non-profit platform with regular contests and tons of problems.
- TopCoder: https://www.topcoder.com/ Tackle real-world problems and potentially earn money.
- CodeForces: http://codeforces.com/ A favorite for seasoned competitors, offering frequent contests and tough challenges.
- LeetCode: https://leetcode.com/ Your go-to for interview preparation.
- InterviewBit: https://www.interviewbit.com/ Practice specifically for coding interview questions.
- CodeWars: https://www.codewars.com/ Level up with gamified challenges and a strong community.
Specialty Platforms
- ProjectEuler: https://projecteuler.net/ Where math meets programming!
- VisuAlgo: https://visualgo.net/en Visualize data structures and algorithms for better understanding.
- CodinGame: https://www.codingame.com/ Combine coding and game development for a fun competitive twist.
- DailyCodingProblem: https://www.dailycodingproblem.com/ Daily problems delivered to your inbox to boost interview skills.
- Halite: https://halite.io/ Build AI bots to battle it out.
- Advent of Code: https://adventofcode.com/ Festive, yearly coding challenges with leaderboards.
Tools & Resources
- Stanford ACM ICPC Notebook: https://github.com/jaehyunp/stanfordacm Get organized with printable contest templates.
- Exercism: http://exercism.io/ Practice challenges right from your terminal.
- StopStalk: https://www.stopstalk.com/ Analyze and track your competitive programming progress.
- Quine: https://quine.sh/ Test yourself in competitive open-source contributions.
Additional Resources
- UVa: https://uva.onlinejudge.org
- Timus Online Judge: http://acm.timus.ru/?locale=en
- DMOJ: Modern Online Judge: https://dmoj.ca
- Rose Code: https://www.rosecode.net/
- Coderbyte: https://coderbyte.com/
Web Development: Your Journey from Beginner to Pro
Start with the Fundamentals
- Learn Enough to Be Dangerous: https://www.learnenough.com/ Get a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
- FreeCodeCamp: http://freecodecamp.com Interactive tutorials and hands-on coding challenges.
- MDN Web Docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn Mozilla's reliable resource for web technologies.
- W3Schools: https://www.w3schools.com/ Beginner-friendly tutorials on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Master JavaScript
- JavaScript.info: https://javascript.info/ The essential guide to modern JavaScript.
- Eloquent JavaScript: http://eloquentjavascript.net/ A comprehensive online book that dives into JavaScript concepts.
Build Your First Projects
- Thimble: https://thimble.mozilla.org/en-US/ Code directly in your browser and see instant results.
- Coder-Coder: https://www.coder-coder.com/ Project-based tutorials covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- CodeCraft: https://codecraft.tv/ Free courses on JavaScript and Angular.
Choose a Framework/Library
- React, Angular, or Vue.js: These popular choices power many modern web applications.
- FrontendMasters: https://frontendmasters.com/ Deep dives into frameworks with expert instructors.
Level Up with Advanced Concepts
- NodeSchool: https://nodeschool.io Learn to build web servers with Node.js.
- The Odin Project: https://www.theodinproject.com/ A free, full-stack curriculum taking you from beginner to job-ready.
- Egghead: https://egghead.io/ Bite-sized video tutorials on in-demand frameworks and technologies.
- Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/ Interactive courses where you can code along with the instructor.
Pro Tip: Build a Portfolio
Showcase your skills by creating your own projects and deploying them online.
Additional Resources
- Codecademy: https://www.codecademy.com/ (Interactive tutorials)
- CodeSchool: https://www.codeschool.com/ (Video-based learning)
- Miguel Grinberg's Flask Tutorial: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/ (Great for Python fans)
Mobile Development
- Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree by Google (Click Here)
- Android Developer Training (Google) (https://developers.google.com/training/android/): Google's official Android development resource.
- Vogella Android Tutorials (http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/android.html): In-depth Android development tutorials.
- DevOps Bootcamp (The Ohio State University Open Source Lab) (http://devopsbootcamp.osuosl.org/start-here.html): Free, intensive DevOps course.
- Google IT Support Professional Certificate (Coursera) (https://www.coursera.org/specializations/google-it-support): Prepare for an IT support career.
Data Science
- Kaggle (http://kaggle.com): Data science platform for competitions, courses, and datasets.
- Dataquest (http://dataquest.io): Learn data science skills interactively.
- DataCamp (http://datacamp.com): Online data science and AI courses.
- DrivenData (https://www.drivendata.org/): Participate in data science competitions for social good.
- Analytics Vidhya (http://analyticsvidhya.com): Training, tutorials, and community for data scientists.
- fast.ai (http://course.fast.ai/): Free, practical deep learning course.
- KPMG Data Analytics Virtual Internship (https://www.insidesherpa.com/virtual-internships/theme/m7W4GMqeT3bh9Nb2c/KPMG-Data-Analytics-Virtual-Internship): Learn data science in a simulated work environment.
Absolutely! Here's the revised version incorporating links and slightly improved formatting for better readability.
Artificial Intelligence
- Sentdex (https://www.youtube.com/user/sentdex): Programming tutorials (includes AI content).
- Two Minute Papers (https://www.youtube.com/user/keeroyz): Short, informative videos about the latest in AI.
- Andrej Karpathy (http://karpathy.github.io/): (Old blog, current work on Medium: https://medium.com/@karpathy/).
- iamtrask (http://iamtrask.github.io/): Machine learning blog.
- colah's blog (http://colah.github.io/): Focus on neural networks.
- Google Machine Learning Course (https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course): Crash course from Google engineers.
- Google AI (https://ai.google/education/): Resources from Google's AI experts.
Computer Science
- BaseCS (https://medium.com/basecs): Easy-to-understand CS concepts (also a podcast: https://www.codenewbie.org/basecs)
- Tutorials Point (http://tutorialspoint.com): Tutorials on a wide range of technologies.
- Introduction to Computer Science - CS101 (https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/cs101/): Intro to CS using Python.
Open Source
- 24 Pull Requests (https://24pullrequests.com): December initiative encouraging contributions.
- HacktoberFest (https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com): Get swag for completing pull requests.
- OpenHatch (https://openhatch.org/search/): Tools for new open-source contributors.
- First Timers Only (http://www.firsttimersonly.com): Beginner-friendly projects.
- Your First PR (http://yourfirstpr.github.io/): Helps you find projects to contribute to on GitHub.
- Awesome For Beginners (https://github.com/MunGell/awesome-for-beginners): Curated list of beginner-friendly projects.
- CodeTriage (https://www.codetriage.com/): Subscribe to get open-source issues in your inbox.
- Open Source Friday (https://opensourcefriday.com/): Helps you find projects to contribute to.
How to Start? - Blogs
- Beginner Bug Bounty Hunters Resources (https://github.com/nahamsec/Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters): Build your web application security foundation.
- Getting Started in Bug Bounty Hunting (https://whoami.securitybreached.org/2019/06/03/guide-getting-started-in-bug-bounty-hunting/)
- Getting Started in Bug Bounty (https://medium.com/@ehsahil/getting-started-in-bug-bounty-7052da28445a)
- How to Get Started with Bug Bounty? (https://medium.com/@unknownuser1806/what-i-have-learn-in-my-first-month-of-hacking-and-bug-bounty-dc1a4be58294)
- Methodology, Toolkit, Tips & Tricks (https://medium.com/bugbountywriteup/bug-bounty-hunting-methodology-toolkit-tips-tricks-blogs-ef6542301c65)
- Recon - by Sahil Ahamad (https://medium.com/@ehsahil/recon-my-way-82b7e5f62e21)
- Recon - by Adrien (https://medium.com/bugbountywriteup/whats-tools-i-use-for-my-recon-during-bugbounty-ec25f7f12e6d)
Absolutely! Here's the revised MOOCs, Fellowships/Scholarships, and Programming Events sections with links added. I've also made some minor edits to improve clarity.
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
- Udacity (http://udacity.com): Free and paid online classes.
- Coursera (http://coursera.org): Courses from top universities like Stanford and Yale.
- Udemy (http://udemy.com): Wide-ranging learning and teaching platform.
- edX (https://www.edx.org): Free courses from institutions like Harvard, MIT, and more.
- Codecademy (https://www.codecademy.com/): Interactive online coding platform.
- MIT OpenCourseWare (https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/find-by-department/): Access free MIT course materials.
- Microsoft Virtual Academy (https://mva.microsoft.com): Free courses on IT concepts and Microsoft products.
- Awesome Courses (https://github.com/prakhar1989/awesome-courses): Curated list of great university courses for computer science.
- Lynda (LinkedIn Learning) (https://www.lynda.com): Paid online learning platform.
- Stanford Online (https://online.stanford.edu/courses): Stanford's online course platform.
- Pluralsight (https://www.pluralsight.com/): Paid platform focused on career development and skill-building.
- Khan Academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/): Free online learning resource.
- Sololearn (https://www.sololearn.com/): Learn coding basics for free (also has an app!).
- Y Combinator (https://www.insidesherpa.com/virtual-internships/prototype/oRMogWRHeewqHzA7u/College-students%3A-Learn-how-to-work-at-a-YC-startup-): Learn about engineering at Y Combinator startups.
- MOOC.fi (https://www.mooc.fi/en): Free courses from the University of Helsinki's Computer Science department.
- Developer Scholarship from Google (India): https://in.udacity.com/google-india-scholarships (Other countries: https://www.udacity.com/scholarships)
- Scholarship Opportunities at Google (https://edu.google.com/scholarships/)
- Microsoft Scholarship Program (US/Canada/Mexico): https://careers.microsoft.com/students/scholarships
- Fellowships at Microsoft Research Asia (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/academic-program/fellowships-microsoft-research-asia/
- IBM PhD Fellowship (https://www.research.ibm.com/university/awards/fellowships.html)
- Thiel Fellowship (For young innovators under 23): http://thielfellowship.org
- Facebook Fellowship Program (https://research.fb.com/programs/fellowship/)
- NVIDIA Graduate Fellowships (AI/ML): http://research.nvidia.com/graduate-fellowships
- S.N. Bose Scholars Program (India): http://iusstf.org/story/53-74-For-Indian-Students.html
Programming Events
- Google Summer of Code (GSoC) (https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com)
- Google CodeJam (https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/codejam)
- Google Kickstart
- Google HashCode (https://hashcode.withgoogle.com)
- Google Code-in (https://codein.withgoogle.com/)
- ACM-ICPC (https://icpc.baylor.edu/)
- Facebook HackerCup (https://www.facebook.com/hackercup/)
- Rails Girls Summer of Code, Outreachy, and more (https://github.com/tapasweni-pathak/SOC-Programs)
- Hacktoberfest (https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com)
- IEEEXtreme (https://ieeextreme.org)
- Devpost (http://devpost.com/hackathons): Find online and in-person hackathons.
- hackathon.io (http://hackathon.io): Focus on in-person hackathons.
- Hackalist (https://www.hackalist.org): Upcoming hackathons list.
- AngelHack (https://angelhack.com): Hackathons and a global community.
- Hackevents (https://hackevents.co/hackathons): Hackathon search engine.
- Yelp Dataset Challenge (https://www.yelp.com/dataset/challenge): Analyze Yelp data for research or projects.
- hack.summit() (https://www.crowdcast.io/hack_summit): Virtual conference with world-class programmers.
- Major League Hacking (MLH) Event Page (https://mlh.io/): Tons of events sponsored by the official hackathon league.
- Microsoft Imagine Cup ([invalid URL removed]): Tech competition focused on innovation and impact.
Hackathon Tips:
- Start small: Look for beginner-friendly hackathons or ones with specific themes that interest you.
- Team up: Find people with complementary skills to form a team!
- Focus on learning: Hackathons are great for rapid skill development and networking, not just winning prizes.
General Opportunities
- Github Student Pack (https://education.github.com/pack): Free developer tools and goodies.
- Visual Studio Dev Essentials (https://www.visualstudio.com/dev-essentials/): Free learning resources and programming tools from Microsoft.
- CodeCrafters (https://app.codecrafters.io/tracks?r=2ay): Build your own versions of popular tech (Git, Docker, etc.) to deepen your understanding.
- Community Driven Demo Projects (https://www.crio.do/projects/): Interesting mini-projects with execution plans to get you started.