Lesson : 1 (Introduction To Biology)

Chapter 1: The Foundations of Life
  • 1.1 The Characteristics of Life
  • 1.2 The Chemical Basis of Life
    • Atoms and molecules
    • Water and its properties
    • The four major types of macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids)

Chapter 2: The Cell: The Basic Unit of Life

  • 2.1 Cell Theory
  • 2.2 Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells
    • Key differences in structure
  • 2.3 Structure and Function of Organelles
    • Nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, vacuoles, cell wall, cell membrane
Chapter 3: Cellular Processes
  • 3.1 Cell Membrane and Transport
    • Structure of the cell membrane
    • Passive transport (diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion)
    • Active transport
  • 3.2 Cellular Energy Transformation
    • Photosynthesis (light reactions and the Calvin cycle)
    • Cellular Respiration (glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation)

Chapter 4: Genetics & Heredity
  • 4.1 DNA: The Genetic Material
    • Structure of DNA
    • DNA replication
  • 4.2 Genes & Chromosomes
    • The relationship between genes and chromosomes
    • Dominance and recessiveness
    • Punnett squares and probability in inheritance
  • 4.3 From Gene to Protein
    • Transcription
    • Translation

Chapter 5: Evolution
  • 5.1 Darwin and Natural Selection
  • 5.2 Evidence for Evolution
    • Fossil record
    • Comparative anatomy
    • Molecular biology
  • 5.3 Mechanisms of Evolution
    • Natural selection
    • Mutation
    • Genetic Drift
    • Gene flow

Chapter 6: Ecology
  • 6.1 Levels of Ecological Organization
    • Populations, communities, ecosystems, biomes
  • 6.2 Energy Flow & Nutrient Cycling
    • Food chains and food webs
    • Carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle
  • 6.3 Population Ecology
    • Population growth patterns
    • Carrying capacity
  • 6.4 Interactions Between Species
    • Competition
    • Predation
    • Symbiosis (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism)

Chapter 7: Biodiversity & Conservation
  • 7.1 The Importance of Biodiversity
  • 7.2 Classification of Living Things
    • The Linnaean system
    • Domains and Kingdoms
  • 7.3 Threats to Biodiversity
    • Habitat loss
    • Overexploitation
    • Invasive species
    • Climate change
  • 7.4 Conservation Efforts
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